Flattr and Fail Whale:

Flattr and Twitter bird:

However, in the above version it was felt that it could cause offence as the bird appeared trapped. It was opted for a friendlier type of enticement where the bird was being tempted or lured towards Flattr, after some work, this was chosen for the final design:

You can Flattr any (or all three if you like) of these pictures by clicking on them, every donation is always appreciated.
Please note that you will not find me on Twitter, if you wish to follow my posts then sign up to identi.ca I'm registered there as @kevie
Supporting open source. All of the above graphics were made exclusively using Inkscape.
Please note that you will not find me on Twitter, if you wish to follow my posts then sign up to identi.ca I'm registered there as @kevie
Supporting open source. All of the above graphics were made exclusively using Inkscape.
Awesome work mate. I had no idea you were a bit of an Inkscape Wizard!
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